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来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2022-11-11 15:27:52  |  关键词: 北京航空航天大学 英语翻译基础真题试卷


天任考研小编为大家整理了“2018年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷 ”相关内容,为考生们翻译硕士考研复习提供帮助。



题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译






1. undertranslation




2. reader-oriented machine translation




3. covert translation




4. inter-semiotic translation




5. descriptive translation study




6. formal correspondence




7. signed language interpreting




8. instrumental translation






正确答案:国际会议口译员协会(International Association of Conference Interpreters)  


10. domesticating translation




11. parallel corpus




12. selective translation




13. fuzzy language




14. translation direction




15. class shift






16. 语际翻译


正确答案:interlingual translation  


17. 显性翻译


正确答案:overt translation  


18. 文献型翻译


正确答案:documentary translation  


19. 翻译腔




20. 文化移植


正确答案:cultural transplantation  


21. 交际翻译


正确答案:communicative translation  


22. 信息型文本


正确答案:informative text  


23. 耳语传译


正确答案:whispered interpreting  


24. 编译




25. 图表翻译


正确答案:diagrammatic translation  


26. 结构转换


正确答案:structure shift  


27. 翻译普遍特征


正确答案:translation universals  


28. 连贯




29. 超语言特征


正确答案:extralinguistic features  


30. 滥译


正确答案:abusive translation  






31.    After all, human beings have proven uniquely capable of interpreting the world around us and using the information we pick up to effect change. If we want to build machines to help us do this more efficiently, then it makes sense to use ourselves as a blueprint. Research into applied, specialized AI is already providing breakthroughs in fields of study from quantum physics where it is used to model and predict the behavior of systems comprised of billions of subatomic particles, to medicine where it being used to diagnose patients based on genomic data. Generalized AI is a bit further off—to carry out a complete simulation of the human brain would require both a more complete understanding of the organ than we currently have, and more computing power than is commonly available to researchers.


正确答案:   毕竟,人类已被证明是唯一能够解释周围世界,并利用所掌握信息改变世界的生物。如果我们想借助机器来帮助我们更高效地实现这个目的,我们就应该拿自己作为制造蓝图。针对应用型、专业化的人工智能的研究已在量子物理、医学等众多研究领域获得突破。在量子物理领域,人工智能已被用来模仿、预测由数十亿亚原子粒子组成的系统的表现;而在医学领域,人工智能已被用来基于基因组数据诊断病人。通用型人工智能的发展则有些任重道远——实现对人脑的完全模拟需要我们比当前更全面地了解人脑,也需要研究者掌握较通常所需更强大的计算能力。  


32.    Love is an emotional process; compatibility is a logical process. And the two don’t bleed into one another very well. It’s possible to fall in love with somebody who doesn’t treat us well, who makes us feel worse about ourselves, who doesn’t hold the same respect for us as we do for them, or who has such a dysfunctional life themselves that they threaten to bring us down with them. It’s possible to fall in love with somebody who has different ambitions of life goals that are contradictory to our own, who holds different philosophical beliefs or worldviews that clash with our own sense of reality.


正确答案:   爱是个情感过程,相配则是个逻辑过程,两者无法很好地彼此渗透。我们可能会爱上一个待我们不好的人,一个让我们自我感觉更糟糕的人,一个没有给予我们同等尊重的人,或是一个自身生活混乱不堪、甚至要将我们也拉下水的人。我们还可能会爱上一个生活抱负与我们截然相反的人,一个哲学观念或世界观与我们的现实感相冲突的人。  


33.    First announced in 2013, the “Belt and Road” initiative is an essential part of China’s domestic economic rebalancing, and of its outbound ambitions. The initiative entails ploughing billions of dollars into the hardware—railways, highways and ports—that links China and the dozens of countries to its west and south. The goal is to encourage more cross-border trade while putting excess capacities to work. The impact on the software of financing will also be significant: the vast amounts of money needed to meet Asia’s infrastructure needs will inject fresh momentum into the region’s capital markets.


正确答案:   2013年首次提出的“一带一路”倡议是中国国内经济再平衡及其海外抱负的重要组成部分。该倡议涉及数十亿美元的硬件投资,包括铁路、公路、港口,以连接中国与其以西、以南的数十个国家。其目标是促进跨境贸易,同时盘活中国的过剩产能。该倡议对融资这一软件的影响也是巨大的:满足亚洲基础设施建设所需的大量资金将为该地区的资本市场注入新的动力。  




34.    电池技术的快速发展对电动汽车更有利。瑞银(UBS)估计,到明年,拥有一辆电动汽车的总成本将与燃油汽车持平——虽然电动车制造商仍然会亏钱。瑞银乐观地预测,到2025年,电动汽车将占全球汽车销量的14%。其他机构的预测更加谨慎,但也都匆忙上调了预期,因为电池成本降低、性能提升——每千瓦时的成本已经从2010年的1000美元降至今天的130至200美元.


正确答案:   Rapid gains in battery technology favor electric motors. UBS, a bank, reckons the total cost of ownership of an electric car will reach parity with a petrol one next year—albeit at a loss to its manufacturer. It optimistically predicts electric vehicles will make up 14% of global car sales by 2025. Others have more modest forecasts, but are hurriedly revising them upwards as batteries get cheaper and better—the cost per kilowatt-hour has fallen from $1,000 in 2010 to $130-200 today.  


35.    谷歌决心挑战苹果和亚马逊(亚马逊也开发自己的在线音乐业务)。今年年初,谷歌推出了Music Beta服务。该服务仅限于美国市场,允许消费者将歌曲上传至谷歌服务器的一个数字“保险柜”,然后就可以在任一台联网的个人电脑或任何使用其安卓操作系统的移动装置上收听这些歌曲,该服务允许人们在谷歌“云端”免费存储多达20 000首歌曲,是更大的“谷歌音乐”服务的组成部分。


正确答案:   Google’s determined to take on Apple and Amazon. Amazon is also developing an online-music business of its own. Earlier this year, Google launched Music Beta, a service limited to the American market that lets consumers upload songs to a digital “ locker” on its servers and then listen to them on any PC with a web connection or any mobile device using the search firm’s Android operating system. This service , which lets people store up to 20,000 songs free in Google’s computing “ cloud” , will form part of the company’s broader Google Music offering.  


36.    2016年,美国妇女儿童老年人权利保障状况堪忧,女性收入大幅低于男性,频繁遭受性骚扰和性侵犯,儿童贫困率居高不下,虐待老人事件时有发生。性别收入差距明。2016年,在工作量同等的情况下,美国女性平均薪资大幅低于男性。纽约市政府部门的女性薪资比男性低18%;圣迭戈(San Diego)主管层人员中,薪资性别差距甚至更大。


正确答案:   The situation of protection of rights of women, children and elders in the United States was worrisome in 2016. Women were paid much less compared to their male colleagues who do the same work, and they frequently fell victims to sexual harassment and assault Poverty rate among children remained high and cases of elder abuse happened from time to time. Gender pay gaps remained large. An a-nalysis found women were paid much less compared to their male colleagues who do the same work in 2016. Women with city government jobs in New York made 18 percent less than men.Gender pay gap among supervisor staff in San    Diego was even wider.  



以上是天任考研小编为大家带来的“2018年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷 ”,希望考生们都能备考顺利,考上自己心仪的院校。更多翻译硕士知识点总结敬请关注考研备考栏目。

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