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2023年考研英语二真题及答案解析:阅读二 2022考研英语二阅读理解

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2023-11-13 12:13:06  |  关键词: 2023年考研 英语二


2023年考研英语二真题及答案解析:阅读二 2022考研英语二阅读理解

2024考研倒计时 冲刺备考指导




Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Text 2

26.What problem are US national parks faced with?

A.Decline of business profits.

B.Inadequate commercialization.

C.Lack of transportation services.

D.Poorly maintained infrastructure.

【26】D Poorly maintained infrastructure.解析: 该题为细节题,问美国国家公园面临着什么问题,根据problem, US national parks回到原文定位,文中提到:美国国家公园正处于危机之中。他们总共有超过120亿美元的维护费用积压下来没有拨款。( U.S. national parks are in crisis. Collectively, they have a maintenance backlog of more than $12 billion.)所以美国国家公园面临着维护缺钱的问题,即基础设施维护不良。

27.Increased privatization of the campgrounds may .

A. spoil visitor experience

B. help preserve nature

C. bring operational pressure

D. boost visits to parks

【27】A. spoil visitor experience 解析: 该题为细节题,问增加露营地的私有化可能会如何,根据关键词privatization, the campgrounds回到原文定位,文中提到:增加私有化肯定会削弱每年3亿游客来公园的主要原因之一:享受自然,从淹没日常生活的商业鼓声中得到喘息。(increased privatization would certainly undercut one of the major reasons why 300 million visitors come to the parks each year: to enjoy nature and get a respite from the commercial drumbeat that overwhelms daily life.)所以增加露营地的私有化可能会让游客仍然受到商业的影响,不能更好地享受自然,即破坏游客体验。

28.According to Paragraph 5, most respondents in the survey would

A. go to the national parks on a regular basis.

B.advocate a bigger budget for the national parks.

C.agree to pay extra for the national parks.

D.support the national parks recent reforms.

【28】C.agree to pay extra for the national parks. 解析: 该题为细节题,问调查中的大多数受访者会如何,根据关键词respondents,the survey回到原文定位, 文中提到:约81%的受访者表示,他们愿意在未来10年缴纳额外的税款,以避免任何削减国家公园的开支。(Some 81% of respondents said they would be willing to pay additional taxes for the next 10 years to avoid any cuts to the national parks.)所以调查中的大多数受访者会愿意额外缴纳税款,即同意为国家公园支付额外的费用。

29. The national parks are valuable in that they

A. lead the way in tourism.

B.have historical significance.

C. sponsor research on climate

D. provide an income for the locals.

【29】B.have historical significance. 解析: 该题为细节题,问国家公园很有价值因为它们怎么样,根据关键词the national parks,valuable回到原文中定位,文中提到,这些公园还有助于让美国的历史充满活力,与全国数千个地方司法机构合作,保护包括埃利斯岛和葛底斯堡在内的历史遗迹,并让这些地方的故事变得生动起来。(The parks also help keep Americas past alive, working with thousands of local jurisdictions around the country to protect historical sites including Ellis Island and Gettysburg and to bring the stories of these places to life.)所以国家公园很有价值因为它们有助于让美国的历史充满活力,保护历史遗迹,即有历史意义。

30. It can be concluded from the text that the national park system

A. is able to cope with staff shortage.

B. is able to meet visitors demands.

C. is in need of a new price policy.

D. is in need of a funding increase.

【30】D. is in need of a funding increase. 解析: 该题为细节题,问国家公园体系如何,根据关键词the national park system回到原文中定位,文中提到:国会每年只给国家公园系统拨款30亿美元这一数额自2001年以来一直没有变化(以通货膨胀调整后的美元计算),除了2009年作为奥巴马刺激计划一部分的一次增加。与此同时,自1980年以来,每年的游客数量增长了50%以上,现在每年达到3.3亿人次。(Congress allocates only $3 billion a year to the national park system an amount that has been flat since 2001 (in inflation-adjusted dollars) with the exception of a onetime boost in 2009 as part of the Obama stimulus package. Meanwhile, the number of annual visitors has increased by more than 50% since 1980, and now stands at 330 million visitors per year.)可以得知,国家公园体系得到的拨款每年基本上保持不变,然而参观公园的游客再增长,所以国家公园体系需要拨款资金的增加。


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