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复试英语 | 短文翻译-经济类

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2022-08-27 11:08:42  |  关键词: 考研复试 复试英语


复试英语 | 短文翻译-经济类


1. 经济类 International trade

International trade not only results in increased efficiency but also allows countries to participate in a global economy, encouraging the opportunity of foreign direct investment (FDI), which is the amount of money that individuals invest into foreign companies and other assets. In theory, economies can, therefore, grow more efficiently and can more easily become competitive economic participants.

For the receiving government, FDI is a means by which foreign currency and expertise can enter the country. These raise employment levels, and, theoretically, lead to a growth in the gross domestic product. For the investor, FDI offers company expansion and growth, which means higher revenues.

As with other theories, there are opposing views. International trade has two contrasting views regarding the level of control placed on trade: free trade and protectionism. Free trade is the simpler of the two theories: a free approach, with no restrictions on trade. The main idea is that supply and demand factors, operating on a global scale, will ensure that production happens efficiently. Therefore, nothing needs to be done to protect or promote trade and growth, because market forces will do so automatically.

In contrast, protectionism holds that regulation of international trade is important to ensure that markets function properly. Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade, and they aim to guide the market accordingly. Protectionism exists in many different forms, but the most common are subsidies, and quotas. These strategies attempt to correct any inefficiency in the international market.


对于接受国政府来说,外国直接投资是外国货币和专业知识进入该国的一种手段。这提高了就业水平,并在理论上导致了国内生产总值的增长。对于投资者来说,FDI 带来了公司的扩张和增长,这意味着更高的收入。



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